
By emulating real world adversarial attacks, you can assess and refine your organisation’s security defense mechanisms and processes.

The only way to truly understand your organisation’s readiness and defense capabilities against a real world cyber attack is to emulate the Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used by a sophisticated threat actor.

Adversarial simulations include a variety of techniques, including ‘red teaming’ and ‘purple teaming’ which, when used in conjunction, can assess your current level of cyber resilience, the breadth of your attack surface, current response capabilities of your security operations team, and prioritise requisites for defense improvements.

JDS Adversarial Simulation Services

JDS Security ‘red teaming’ activities are designed to test and assess your organisation’s ability to detect and respond to adversarial scenarios through realistic and comprehensive simulation techniques.

Our team will emulate a real-world adversarial attack, using genuine techniques and tactics, to evaluate your organisation’s current security posture.

JDS will identify the gaps in your security controls, and arm you with fortified detection and defense mechanisms to respond to a sophisticated attack.

‘Purple Teaming’ uses a collaborative approach, where the JDS Security red team works alongside your in-house Security Operations Centre (SOC) to plan targeted attack scenarios, execute coordinated simulations, and assess the effectiveness of the organisational defense mechanisms.

The aim of purple teaming exercises is to identify process deficiencies, implement remediation techniques and controls, and walk away with enhanced visibility and a significantly bolstered security posture.

Social engineering is essentially ‘human hacking’, and has proven to be one of the most successful ways for a criminal to get “inside” an organisation.

JDS Security can execute covert phishing, smishing and vishing simulations to assess how effective an actual social engineering campaign would be on employees within your organisation. These activities can help to identify training and awareness requirements and alert you to the main focus areas for improvement, in order to successfully detect and avoid social engineering attempts.